Tuesday, January 31, 2017


Jaguars are in the cat family. Some jaguars are yellow, some are black. The black color helps them hunt and be very sneaky and hard to see. Yellow jaguars also are very sneaky, but not as hard to find. They pretty much will eat anything that they can find. They'll eat little stuff to big stuff. Jaguars can swim in water if they have to. Jaguars even eat crocodilians. They'll sometimes kill a crocodilian or another animal just for no reason.

Saturday, January 7, 2017


Dodos were a member of the pigeon family.  Dodos have gone extinct because their habitat was destroyed and it was an easy meal for hungry sailors.  And the sailors brought other animals to the islands, like goats, monkeys, and wolves.  And those ate dodo chicks and destroyed dodo habitats.  Dodos evolved to be flightless birds.  They ate rocks before they ate their food.  Dodos could not chew their food; they actually ate berries.  The rocks helped grind up the berries.


Frogfish are sea animals that can change color and they look like coral, so when a fish is passing by, their jaw shoots out in a millisecond bite.  It has a lure on its head to lure in fish, so the fish comes closer for it to grab with its mouth.